Children's Lit Book Reviews
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man
By: David Adler
Publisher: Voyager Books
Copyright: 1997
Pages: 32
Reading Level: 4-8
Genre: Picture Book/Biography
Award: N/A
"A touching tribute to the baseball superstar . . . Stunning illustrations."
- The Boston Globe
Summary: In 1903 many great things happened in US history. Henry Ford sold the first automobile, the Wright Brothers made the first successful flight in an airplane, and in baseball the very first World Series was played. That same year, the famous Lou Gehrig was born to Heinrich and Christina Gehrig in New York City. As years past Lou's mother insisted that Lou focus on studies to become either an accountant or an engineer. His studies were important to him, and never missed a day of school. Because his mother has such great aspirations for Lou, she thought that sports were a waste of time. But Lou insisted that he play them. Eventually, Lou would become on the world's greatest baseball players to step onto a field. In this book the reader becomes aware of the commitment that Lou gave to sports, and was likened to his commitment in his studies at school. Without any known cause, one day Lou was no longer able to hit the pitches and was no longer able to field the ball. He still persisted in playing and trained hare, but he received no positive results for his work. One day he took himself out of the game. The reader then finds out that Lou would later be diagnosed with amyitriphic lateral sclerosis which is a deadly disease that affects the central nervous system. Lou would eventually be honored for his great sportsmanship and his charity. The New York Yankees would also retire his number, never to be wore again. Even though Lou lacked the strength to play sports, he still wanted to continue to inspire people and would eventually become parole commissioner. Within a year Lou's disease would finally get the best of him, and he died June 2, 1941. The disease he suffered from is now known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
Who would benefit from reading this book?: Anyone who would come across this book should read it. This book inspires one to stand a little taller and live a little better. The most important lesson or theme that is taught within this book is the importance of being committed to whatever one chooses to do in life.
What problems/conflicts would this book potentially cause?: I don't think that this book will cause any problems or conflicts. It's an inspiring book written to encourage readers.
My reaction: This book is very inspiring and taught me many things I can do to live better. I truly think that was the primary purpose of this book. The illustrations ,even though done by Terry Widener, were suburb and unique. I particularly recommend this book to all baseball lovers.
Who would benefit from reading this book?: Anyone who would come across this book should read it. This book inspires one to stand a little taller and live a little better. The most important lesson or theme that is taught within this book is the importance of being committed to whatever one chooses to do in life.
What problems/conflicts would this book potentially cause?: I don't think that this book will cause any problems or conflicts. It's an inspiring book written to encourage readers.
My reaction: This book is very inspiring and taught me many things I can do to live better. I truly think that was the primary purpose of this book. The illustrations ,even though done by Terry Widener, were suburb and unique. I particularly recommend this book to all baseball lovers.
posted by Jon Dale at 2:25 PM

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